Monday, 15 August 2011


Majd sent this to us today, share your comments and ideas. You can also share your own stories here.
مجد أرسل هذه القصة إلينا. شاركونا آراءكم وأفكاركم. أرسلوا إلينا قصصكم هنا


أعترفلك قدام الكون كلو... بحبك!! بعشقك

أعترف إني مش ها عيش من غيرك... ما اتمرّش لحظة من غير ما شوفك ببالي وخيالي... ياه... إنت ليكي شوق فيّا؟!... يا سلام.... قرّبي، عايز أضمك ليّا، وتتلامس شفايفنا، نقعد وحدنا، نقلع همّنا... وننسى العذاب

ما يهمّنيش اللي يقولو عليكي... ما يهمّنيش تعملي إيه بيّا، وبكل الحواليّا، ما يهمّنيش حدّ غيرك... أنسى أمي عشانك، أتحدّى أبوي واخواتي... أهمل مراتي وولادي، ما حدّش يقدر يبعدني عنك، ليل ونهار... واتحدّى العالم كلّه، واقلّك... حبّك نار

My love,
I confess to the whole world... I love you! I adore you!
I admit that, I don't want to live without you... not a single moment passes by without imagining you in my mind and fantasy... Oh... My feelings for you... Amazing..
Come closer, I want to hug you close to me, feel our lips touch, we sit alone, we get rid of all our worries... We forget all the torture...
I don't care what anyone says about you... I don't care what you do to me, or anyone around me, I don't care about anyone anyone but you...
I forget about my mother for you, Challenge my dad and siblings for you...
Ignore my wife, and children, nobody can take me away from you, day and night...
And I challenge the whole world, and tell you... #7obbaknaar


  1. If you're going to go for infidelity, then why get married in the first place? Just marry that woman you're talking about, who seems to be drugging you from everything else...

  2. Ufffffff are you serious????? Inno what about ur wife???? Dont u even care about your children?? How will they grow???? I really can't believe how people are so arrogant :@ Allah yehdik!!!!

  3. spoken like a true know the consequences, yet you persist...if you're already loved/cherished by those closest to you...what more can you want??? have EVERY THING...yet you couldn't care less. Worst part is, you won't know what you already had in your own backyard....until you lose it

    cause in the end....nothing remains
